API Documentation
Teams on our Business Plan can upload audio, generate audio clips from uploaded audio, upload subtitle files and generate videos via SoundMadeSeen's REST API.
Authentication on requests is handled via API Token. Tokens can be generated on your Account page. Keys are only visible upon creation, so be sure to save it to a safe place immediately.
An API token should be added to your request's Authorization header as shown in this example:
Authorization: Api-Key $SOUNDMADESEEN-API-KEY
API keys belong to a team. When a file is created or uploaded via an API Token, it will appear to be created by the first admin user of the team.
Important Concepts
It's necessary to understand how things fit together when generating SoundMadeSeen videos. The following is an overview of the different components of a video:
File Uploads
As with the UI interface, the first step in creating a video is uploading audio or video files. These are handled via the uploads endpoint and may include files in the following formats: .mp3, .wav, .mp4, .mov. Uploads can be set to transcribe upon uploading or subtitle files can be associated with them.
File Uploads aren't directly included in videos, which brings us to the following:
Clips are generated from uploads using the Create Clip endpoint. When creating a clip, the upload, start time and end time will be specified. If the upload a clip is generated from contains a completed transcription, the relevant part of the transcription from the upload will be copied into the clip.
Designs created via the static design editor can be used to generate videos. Designs may contain template variables. These variables can be populated in generated videos via the create video endpoint and enable designs to be used as templates for creating videos.
Videos are generated by combining Clips with your Designs via the create video endpoint.
Rate Limiting
Requests using the API are rate limited based on the team's plan, but generally start at 60 requests per hour.
Concurrent Jobs
Longer running jobs such as video generation can take up significant server resources, so we currently only allow for a maximum of 2 concurrent video generation jobs.
We do not currently offer webhooks, so for longer running jobs the process will be to trigger the job, receive a key for the object that will be generated, then check on the status of that object using a status endpoint.
Where this is the case, it will be flagged in the endpoints documentation. Please note the ratelimits when polling for statuses and limit status requests to every 30 seconds or longer.
For descriptions and code examples of SoundMadeSeen's REST API endpoints, follow the links below: